The Museum of Moab in partnership with the Old Spanish Trail Association is producing a short video about the hardships and difficulties of traveling the OST and its role as the only migration route from northern Mexico to southern California in the 1800s. In keeping with National Park Service/Bureau of Land Management recreational goals for the OST, the video will hopefully inspire hikers, bikers, and equestrians to explore the OST imagining what it was like to travel by mule and horse more than a hundred years ago, connecting the landscape and landforms with historical events.

A trailer for the film can be viewed here:!/rediscover-old-spanish-trail

All involved with the project have donated their time and expenses have been minimal but to begin production, we need to raise a substantial sum of money. Generally, a 15-minute video can cost up to $250,000 but if many of the film professionals will donate all or some of their time we may be able to produce the video for around $100,000. If we raise more, we can produce a visually more compelling video and produce it quicker.

The production team consists of

  • Dennis Brown, Executive Producer, OSTA Vice President, and President of the Museum of Moab Board of Trustees.
  • Chris Valentino, Film Director and owner of BeanLabs ( based in NYC.
  • Michael Falasco, Photography Director, based in Castle Valley, UT, and
  • Tricia Ogilvy, Screen Writer, based in Castle Valley, UT.

Fundraising will include online crowdfunding, corporate sponsors, and individual donations with a goal of completing the video by late 2019.