Weaving the Threads of History: Along the Old Spanish Trail

The Old Spanish Trail Association invites you to make plans to attend the 2024 OSTA
Annual conference in the Land of Enchantment, October 31–November 3, 2024.
Come explore Santa Fe, where the Old Spanish Trail begins.

Conference fees include evening mixer at La Boca, a Spanish tapas restaurant (Thursday), 2-day sessions at Pope Hall, snacks and lunch (Fri/Sat), and the NM State History museum lecture & tour (Friday late afternoon).

Hotel Reservations:
Reservations at the El Sendero Inn, Ascend Hotel Collection, 311 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM, 87501 are available for $129 plus $10 per day parking (includes hot breakfast) per night for occupancy by 1-2 persons. Please call El Sendero Inn at 505-982-1851 to make reservations individually. Make sure to mention you are with the Old Spanish Trail Association to receive the discount rate, or go register online at: https://www.choicehotels.com/reservations/groups/TC05L2.

In addition to El Sendero, Choice Hotels offer three other hotels in Santa Fe: Comfort Inn, Quality Inn and the Econo Lodge. The toll free number is (877) 424-6423. All are a short drive to our downtown events.

La Fonda Hotel will have limited rooms at the rate of $169.00 per night. Contact Hotel Reservations directly at 800-523-5002, Option #1 or 505-982-5511, Option #1. Please call between the hours of 8 am – 5 pm (Mountain Time), 7 days a week. If guests receive the hotel’s reservation voicemail, please leave a message and the hotel staff will return their call within 24 hours.

Cancellation Policy
Registrants may transfer to another person at no additional cost, please email the OSTA to complete such a change. There is a $15 fee for all cancellations postmarked before September 15th and a $30 fee for all cancellations postmarked after. Written copy of the cancellation is required and can be emailed or mailed.

Make your online registration selections below
Note: with each selection, the page will reload and your shopping cart will appear at the bottom.

Or click here to print and mail in your conference registration.


NEW OSTA Member Discount ($5.00)   $35 per person
Early Bird Registration (ends 9.15.24): Members $99 per person
  Los Golondrinas Volunteer Enter Coupon Code when checking out
Non-Members $129 per person
Conference Registration (after 9.15.24): Members $119 per person
  Non-Members $149 per person
  Los Golondrinas Volunteer Enter Coupon Code when checking out
  Full-Time Student $75 per person
One Day Only Registration (Select FRI or SAT): Members $65 per person
Select :
  Non-Members $80 per person
Select :
  Full-Time Student $40 per person
Select :
  Los Golondrinas Volunteer Enter Coupon Code when checking out
Saturday Banquet & Speaker (Mexican Buffet) (La Fonda Historic Hotel, 100 E. San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM) (optional) $50 per person
Thursday Field Trip (Includes box lunch, drink, Talk & Tour)
(12:30-4PM at El Rancho de las Golondrinas Living History Museum, 334 Los Pinos Road, Santa Fe, NM)
(optional) $25 per person
Sunday Field Trip (Talk & Tour in Abiquiu, NM, 53 miles North of Santa Fe)
(10:30AM-1PM Brunch at Abiquiu Inn, 21120 US-84, Abiquiu, NM)
(optional) $20 per person