Descendants and Travelers of the Trail Chapter is initiating an ongoing project: building a data base containing summary information about each of our ancestors and other travelers of the Old Spanish Trail. It will eventually be made accessible to the public on the Old Spanish Trail Association website and become a reference for all OSTA members, historians, teachers, students and other interested parties. They already have a very good start with the people that we highlighted in our PowerPoint presentation at the Barstow Old Spanish Trail Association conference in 2017. 

The chapter is requesting that each Chapter member submit information about at least one ancestor or person who traveled the Trail to the Chapter’s email address by Friday, March 9, 2018. The Chapter’s NEW email address is:

Please use the attached form along with any attached photos, maps, illustrations or additional information you can provide.  Handy instructions and tips to help you fill in the form are also provided.  One page of information for each ancestor or traveler will be compiled, so please submit a separate form per individual—don’t report on multiple people on the same form. Chapter officers (Conchita and Rich Marusich, Cecelia Peña, and Mary Anne Pentis) will edit them as a group.