La Verada del Norte

Rio Grande County Museum celebrates OST’s 20th Anniversary of Becoming a National Trail Historic Trail

Saturday in Del Norte bloomed cloudy and wet with rain showers promised for the remainder of the day but that did not stop several area historians and visitors from coming out to celebrate twenty years since the National Historical Designation of the Old Spanish Trail and to commemorate the anniversary with stories about days gone by. The Rio Grande County Museum played host to the event, which featured new exhibits and welcomed keynote speakers from across southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico.

Salida del Sol

A Tri-Cultural Presentation at La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Our 20th anniversary celebration of OST’s National Historic Trail designation was in the Santa Fe Room at the La Fonda Hotel, generously donated by La Fonda Hotel and organized by Liane Brown. The event was opened with a prayer from Southern Ute Tribal member Nathan Strong Elk. Local musician Chus Cales played Spanish classical guitar in a festively decorated room adorned with a beautiful glowing Christmas tree.


The Nevada Chapter celebrates the 20th Anniversary of OST’s Designation as a “National Historic Trail”

On December 4, 2022, OSTA members and other Nevadan’s attended a historical gathering celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Congress approving the Old Spanish Trail as a “National Historic Trail.” The event was held at the Old Spanish Trail Park in Las Vegas, Nevada. More than seventy people joined us throughout the afternoon. It was a very positive and groundbreaking celebration!

Agua Mansa

The Old Spanish Trail Celebration at the Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art

The Agua Mansa Chapter of the OSTA celebrated the 20th Anniversary of trail acceptance as a “National Historic Trail” on December 4th, 2022. The event, organized by OSTA Vice President Nancy Melendez, was attended by OSTA members and guests at the Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art and Culture in Riverside, California. The center’s focus is on the presentation and study of Chicano art from across the United States.